
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Just Not Me

When my grandmother passed away earlier this year, she made sure each of her children and grandchildren were given something from her.

Me, well I got this really neat vintage basket.

The only problem was the color.
It just is NOT me.

Now, I did think about what I would do with the basket. 
 It is large and heavy duty, perfect for storing whatnot's.
But, I just could not bring myself to use it.

This weekend I was in the garage painting all of my new treasures.

Of course, while I am waiting for one project to dry, I tend to wander around with paint brush in hand looking for something else to paint.

I spotted the basket.
So I did. I painted it!

Now before you get all upset about me painting a treasure from my grandmother, you must know
  Grandma was notorious for using what you have.
The basket had already been painted once.
I think she would have approved of my inner slipcover, being an amazing slipcoverer that she was.

And lastly,
 why have something in the garage because you don't like the color when you can paint it, make it even more pretty with some fabric and ruffles and bring it in the house.

I just love my new/old basket.

Thanks Grandma!

So, what are you waiting for?
That's for all you out there who delay.  Do so no longer.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Partying with;


  1. It is wonderful and I am sure your grandma would approve. You've turned it into such a fabulous treasure. Love it. The liner is fantastic. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh it now looks like a 'Happy Basket' and I'm sure that it will get lot's of use now..I'm sure your grandmother would approve.

  3. Love it! I think she would be happy you did!


  4. Alaina,

    If I have something and I'm not using it or loving it, I get rid of it. I love that you were able to customize the gift to your liking (mine too!). I have no doubt your Grandma approves.

    Your Friend,

  5. Hi Alaina,
    I absolutely love how your cherished basket turned out!! And good for you painting it so you'll actually use it in your home instead of it being packed away in the garage or attic. I am the same when it comes to painting, while one piece dries, I'm on to the next.
    I hope you having a beautiful Sunday. I'll be sending you the interview questions this week for your feature.

  6. I say that Grandma would definitely approve. The little basket looks so pretty and sweet now that you've given it some lovely paint and a liner.


  7. It looks fresh and now you will use it and think of her!

  8. I love what you did to your grandmother's basket! And the inner liner? Adorable! I'm sure she will be so happy you are using it now!

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!


  9. And now I suppose, you're wandering around the house looking for something to fill it! Some of your gorgeous fresh cut flowers perhaps?
    xo Jeanne
    bees knees bungalow

  10. Okay girlfriend, looks great...but what plans do you have for it now? That's the fun part.

  11. Loving it painted white and the liner completes it!

  12. I'm sure your Grandma would approve, it's lovely! I'm sure you've done her proud.

    I'm sorry for your Loss though.

    Visiting from Restore Interiors Linky Party this week,
    ~Suzanne in IL

  13. It looks so much brighter and festive than it did before. And the liner is a great idea.

  14. You are so crafty! I always envision doing something like that but it never turns out quite right. :)

  15. That basket looks great! The liner adds that special touch too. Well done!

  16. Love that you made it yours! Love the ruffles and so appreciate your visit to my blog - hope your mod podge graphic transfer comes out well!
    Looking forward to reading more!

  17. I'm loving the look of your "new" old basket. I think your Grandma would agree it should have been changed.

    I've been contemplating painting my great-grandma's childhood dresser. You've given me more reasons why I should paint it. Thanks for this post, I needed the reasurrance.

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