
Friday, August 19, 2011

What You Want it to Be

In a post I did last year I talked about going home. 
 I went to the home I grew up in.
An old farm house that is over 100 years old, most of it anyway. 
The man whom had the house built was a supervisor in the railroad and he had the workers spend some of the work at his house. 
There once was a driveway lined in cobblestones, pathways in the grass leading to the, at one time "cow house."
There still stands a screened in patio with a cobblestone fireplace, that housed many a party.

That house I grew up in.

My dad was a school teacher/weekend cattle farmer.
My mom was a stay at home mom, she did not work outside of the home until I was in my late teens as a Real Estate agent.
But, that was not all she did.
She knew her antiques, we went to a lot of auctions and garage sales.
I grew up around vintage and antiques.
My mother sewed slipcovers to cover the ugly sofa she bought cheap at a garage sale.  She upholstered the wing back chair she bought at an auction. 
 She painted or striped the furniture for the house.

The house I live in.

I love.

I tried to recreate some of the details from the home I came from.
Wide floor boards, crown moulding, large moulding and trim around the windows and doors.
Mismatched furniture in every room.
I learned to paint (I am not a striping kind of gal) I like my WHITE paint.
I learned to sew from my mother.
I sew slipcovers to cover my vintage furniture, to make it more ME!
I upholster dining room chairs.
I use vintage as much as I can.

I am my mother's child.
I live in a farm house of my dreams.

I am sharing my new/old farm house with;

<br><br><br><b>Join us every Friday...</b>
Thanks for stopping by, remember it is only a box.
It is all up to you what you put in the box to make it what you want.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. What I want THEM to be? ....Is MINE!! Lol! *winks* Such beautiful and gracious old homes. You were very lucky! Vanna

  2. Alaina,

    I adore your new home and how you've used the skills your mother taught you to create an 'old' home. Your parent's old farm house is as much part of the family as your brothers and sisters. Some days I wish the box was 'instant'! (Yes, I am smiling.)

    Your Friend,

  3. What beautiful homes you have been blessed with in your life! Thanks for sharing them.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  4. What a great post!!

    Have a good weekend!!

  5. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and I love this post. I so agree with what you have said. Both of your houses are beautiful and it's so nice you have good memories and can make some of your own house to remind you of the home you grew up in. I am now filling my house with the actual antiques I grew up with from my parents' home --so the memories abound!

  6. Sweet story and so reminds me of childhood. In summer when my sisters and I were home from school, our house was a busy place with many projects in progress- painting something, picking blackberries for jelly making, sewing,etc. I'm not as skilled as my homemaker mother but I did learn some and wish I had listened more.

  7. and you have made every inch of it beautiful from the inside out Alaina. Your mother must be so proud!
    I love both homes...they are beautiful!
    sending hugs

  8. I love your home and never tire of seeing it!
    The home you grew up in is just as lovely!!
    I wish i learned to sew!

  9. How wonderful to grow up in an old farmhouse. And, how wonderful to build your own and add some of the things you inherited...sewing skills. Good mama! My mom made me pay attention when she taught me how to sew, heck, she still make me pay attention when she comes over to help on big sewing projects. lol. Found you via French Country Cottage. Pop on over for a visit when you get a moment. Tootles, Kathryn

  10. you are so lucky to have lived in two wonderful homes! both of them are gorgeous!

  11. Your home you grew up in and the home you have now both look amazing.

  12. I REALLY liked this post...very sweet...I think it is the first time I have seen the outside of your's spectacular!
    I also really like how you fixed your grandmother's is a treasure!

  13. Funny, how we end up doing so many of the same things that our moms did. I just realized recently that my living room is so much like what I grew up in. My mom painted furniture, loved antiques, and created such a warm atmosphere. Your childhood home is really lovely! Thanks so much for linking up to VIF,
    xoxo Debra

  14. Two very beautiful are blessed

  15. Love this post. So true, how we try to keep as much of our childhood as long as we can! We are living in the same house I grew up in. It's over 100 yrs. old and it used to be my grandparents farm then my parents and now ours. And I hope to pass it along to my daughter and her family, I know she wants to be here. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Wow, how lucky you were to grow up in such a wonderful farmhouse and then to live in your own beautiful home! Our homes are where our hearts are! I was lucky enough to live in a old farmhouse in the country for 10 years and loved every minute of it.
    Visiting from Laurieanna's.

  17. I really love this post. When I look at the house you grew up in a calm feeling comes over me. It just has that homey look that I love. Just want to sit on the porch and drink lemonade and shuck some corn on the cob. You've done a great job of putting that feeling into your new home.

  18. Awesome pictures and the houses are also very nice in looking. I like it very much both of them. Wish I live in a home like that too. :)

    philippine real estate


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