
Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Around the House

I thought I would share some random Christmas pictures with you.

For many years my sisters and I would gather at my home for an ornament party.
We each would bring the supplies and an idea to make an ornament.
My kitchen always ended up a mess, but that was the evidence of creativity. 

The ornament above and below are a few of many ornaments my little sister painted.

We made lots of snowmen.

The wreath on my office door.

My office tree did not change much.
Vintage paper chain.
Ornaments I made last year with vintage paper and bells.

The topper is a vintage hat and a black bow.

In the hall entrance I have hung a few of my favorite things.
Snow angels, I have two large ones in the house and 5 little ones that hang on the white trees.
 I try to keep them out all winter, in Buffalo that means they can usually stay until Valentines day.

This is a floral basket I have in my kitchen on the basement door.  
I add different accent color flowers for each season and change the ribbon color.

Basically I am ready for Christmas, I was up late into the night wrapping presents so I would not be 
so rushed today after work.
Mr. M. is off today and I know he will be a great help picking things to do off my list.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas or Holiday that you celebrate.

Most of all, enjoy the ones you are with!


  1. Merry Christmas my dear! I love your beautiful vignettes. I am in love with your gorgeous floral basket. I would love if you would link this beautiful post to our linky party.


  2. I like the snowballs. I also really like the idea of having an ornament making tradition. That is brilliant! Merry Christmas.

  3. love love love love love the snowmen tree head ornaments!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. So beautiful!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!


  5. Thank you ever so much for sharing so we could all enjoy! I am so glad I found your special place here. I will follow on my way out so as I would love to visit again. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place and do the same. Best wishes for some happy holiday time. I look forward to engaging and supporting your blog in the New Year. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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