
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

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Christmas is officially over.

I am itching to put away my decorations.  As much as I do like them, now I want them gone.  I have never been one of those people to keep their decorations up longer so that Christmas melded into Valentines Day.

I have new toys that I want to start using, a wonderful sander for finishing some painting projects I have waiting in the garage.  A new buffet for the basement family room.  I want to get back into the sewing grove and use up some of the wonderful fabric I have waiting for me.

One such new toy is this wonderful laptop I am writing this post with.  Mr. M. was my darling Santa this year and I am enjoying it so.  I am also sitting in his Christmas gift that my sisters and I bought him, a wonderful massage office chair. 
 Oh honey, you forgot to take your chair to work.  I think I forgot to remind him.

As we get ready for the New Year, I always think of things I would like to do differently.  Not so much as resolutions but changes.  I try to make them fun, such as painting the basement or any other room in the house that may need to be freshened up.  Doing more creative projects with the kids.  More visits to the Science Museum, Zoo, Aquarium and other local attractions.   Actually planning a vacation for our family.

 I also try to be more organized each year, I buy the extra buckets and bins for storage and I label them and put them in their spot. 
Then I forget where they are and I tend to not be able to find what I need, and end up getting duplicates. So, I try, each year to do better, only now I do baby steps because there is just to much mess involved with a creative mind.  

Oh and that other thing I try each year.
I think this year a treadmill might help.
Not eating leftover Christmas cookies for
and dinner.

So, what about you?
Did you get any fun toys for Christmas?
Are you a LEAVE it out kind of person?
Any good resolutions for the next year?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


  1. I'm leaving most of it up until New Year's Day I think. Although I've also been itching to start boxing things up. Cookies for breakfast? Just got done eating one and then I put the rest in the freezer in case I get the urge for another one soon. If I have to thaw a cookie then it makes me ponder whether I really need it or not!

  2. We are on the same page. I actually took the tree and all the decorations down yesterday. I am a love it while it is up but when Christmas is over it is over. I have made my list of 2012 stuff too. Can't wait to get the new year going.
    Enjoy your laptop.

  3. I like a clean slate for New Years. I took down the trees yesterday, more things today. Clean and declutter, that's how I want the year to start. Have fun, xoxo

  4. Family just left. I am dying to take down the tree, and other decorations.

    I cannot wait to start thinking about the new year....cheers Alaina. I wish all the best of health and happiness for you this year!

  5. Alaina,

    So happy you and your family enjoyed your Christmas! The Epiphany is the climax of the Advent/Christmas Season and the Twelve Days of Christmas, which are usually counted from the evening of December 25th until the morning of January 6th, which is the Twelfth Day. It signifies the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing "reveal" Jesus to the world as Lord and King. So we are still celebrating.
    Your Friend,

  6. yeah...cookies for breakfast. Say no more. I resolve not to eat anymore fancy cheese again for MONTHS.

  7. I am laughing about the cookies~all my sweets are gone and I was seriously thinking of making more sugar cookies today!!

    I am one of the weirdos that likes to keep the tree up until the needles are falling off! Christmas flies by so fast that I don't think I've really has a chance to enjoy it all. Our January is so cold and boring, I just take my time putting it all away.

    Sounds like you got some great goodies from Santa! The massage chair sounds heavenly. I love to get pedicures just to sit in the massage chair! lol! I got a Nook and I am trying to hurry up and finish the "real" book I have so I can give it a try!!

    Enjoy your gifts and the rest of the week!


  8. I am excited about the new year! So many exciting things on the horizon and a wonderful time to evalutate and plan for a new year!

    Happy 2012 to you!

  9. It sounds like a beautiful Christmas for you, I am so like you I will start packing up Christmas on Christmas night after cleaning up the wrapping and such :)
    I will be excited to see all you create this year :)
    Happy New Year!

  10. Hi Alaina,
    I am the same way. I love Christmas but as soon as the kids open their presents on Christmas morning, I'm ready to pack up all of the decorations and clean house! Which is what I do every year.
    It sounds like you got some wonderful gifts.
    I got some lovely things too and I'm ready to start a wonderful New Year.
    One thing that is definitely on the agenda for the New Year is a vacation with my family too. It is much needed!
    Hope you have a great week and Happy New Year!

  11. Hi Alaina,

    Oh I can so relate to this post. Although I don't like to keep my decorations up too long, I admit that I keep mine up until after the New Year {January 2nd}, only because I always get a late start decorating our home for the holidays & would like the Christmas spirit to last a little longer. :)

    As for your changes, I'm in the same boat! I want to also do more creative and fun things as well as organize, etc. :) And like you, I tend to gorge off all the sweets post's terrible and it needs to stop. Like now...well, maybe until after the New Year! lol

    Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Here's wishing you a most marvelous New Year!!!



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