
Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's Going on in the Basement

I have been wanting to change my basement for awhile.

We are currently using this room for watching TV, working out on treadmill and elliptical/bike, storage and this is where I do a majority of my sewing.  
Whew, there sure is a lot going on in this space.

The room runs the whole length of the house and is approximately 12x30.  We have a room on the other side the same size that is for laundry and storage.  I would like to organize the other side and make it more useful.
In the middle space we have the kids playroom, small desk area and a storage closet.

In need of some inspiration I went to Olioboard and played with some pictures.

This is where I would like to take this room.

Lots of WHITE.

The walls in the main TV room have already been painted an off white that I currently have in my office.
I would like to put down some kind of wood floor with a few area rugs.  The diamond pattern I would like to paint in the stairwell.  

Ok, now I have told you I have a thing for tables and chairs.
Most of the furniture I have pictured I already own and is currently  in the room in a slight variation and I may have left out a table or two and a couple or five chairs.

Hey, a girls got to have choices!

The red accents are for Mr. M. my fireman.  I would like to hang his plaques and add some fireman memorabilia on shelves.  

What do you think?
Have you ever visited Olioboard and designed your own room?


  1. I have never heard of Olioboard until now. It looks like fun, I will have to check it out! I love all of your inspiration, I think it's going to loom fabulous! What are you using the space for? Is it one big room? I can't wait to see what you do!


  2. Alaina,

    Like the commenter above, I've never heard of Olioboard, but thank you for including the link so I can check it out. You are lucky to have such a large basement that's functional. Ours is a vast waste of space due to flooding. We will {eventually} get to that project. In the mean time I will watch your progress and celebrate your transformation!

    Your Friend,

  3. Hi Alaina!
    I love everything you have picked!!! It will be stunning that's for sure. I have never heard of Olioboard but right now i am addicted to Pinterest so I can't imagine adding another thing to my pile lol!!!

  4. neat website--I'll have to check that out now! At least you can USE your basement!

  5. Hi Alaina,

    Oooh everything in that inspiration photo looks great! I think the ideas that you have planned sounds great! Although I've never been to "Olioboard" before, I may check it out for the first time! :) Anyway, can't wait to see the changes you have in store! Take care and have a great weekend!


  6. Finally I am able to see your post! I followed Pamela's advice and switched to google chrome. Never have heard of that site. All your ideas look fabulous. That room is huge! You could do little room vinettes.

  7. Thanks for the link....amazing does not describe it. So much work. So much inspiration!

  8. I LOVE everything on your inspiration board..........will it all fit??

    You have such great style; you give me some great ideas.

  9. What a fun board! I like the white with the accents of red and white! Thanks for the inspiration and I can't wait to see the finished basement!

  10. Love the board....perfect mix of his and hers! I'm sure it will be gorgeous like all your other rooms...looking forward to the results!

  11. Love the board!! Your newest follower so I can't wait to see what you do! Thanks for stopping by Harrison Home!

  12. I really like your inspiration board. The fireman touches will look great in there. I've used Polyvore for room boards. You're lucky you have a basement, what a great spare space.

  13. I think your inspiration board is taking you in the right direction!! What a great idea for a basement. In South Carolina we can't have basements. I am your newest follower.


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