
Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Little Boy's Dream

Some of my readers may already know Mr. M. is a volunteer fireman for our local town.  Each year we attend an installation ceremony to install the new officers for the year.

 A special little boy made this year even more special.

Mr. M's fire company was one of four local fire companies called upon by Make-a-Wish Foundation to fulfill this little boys' dream of becoming a fireman.

Mr. M. and I attended the ceremony and watched as this special boy received a fireman's badge and certification making him an official Niagara County Fire Department member.

It was an amazing site to see, firemen humbled by this little boy and his family.  I don't think this little boy will ever really know that it was all of us who were given the special gift by being allowed to be involved in his dream. 


  1. That little boy is so cute! Such a neat story.

  2. that's a lovely, uplifting story, Alaina!

  3. I LOVE the new picture! Buttons and jars, how can you go wrong??? Love, love, love it!!!


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