
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chair Crazy

The other night while I was painting my dinning room chairs on the kitchen table, 
my husband walked in the room.

Me, "I know you think I am crazy to paint my BRAND NEW chairs, but I want them to be white."
Mr. M. said, "honey, I don't think you are crazy.  I KNOW YOU ARE CRAZY!  Whatever makes you happy."

I love this man.

You see, I did just get four new dinning chairs in the mail last week.
I love the shape and the cost.
Not so much the color.

I already knew I was going to slipcover the seats. 
 Three young kids, slipcovers are the only way to keep me sane. 

So, I got out my favorite paint and so far two chairs down and two to go.

See!  Already with one coat of paint the chair looks better.

Would you be brave enough to paint brand new chairs if you were not in love with the color but loved the style?

Or am I the only crazy one here?

Sisters are not allowed to answer!

Random drawings.

I found a picture on the kitchen table when I was painting this morning.

Looks like a certain little brother may be just as talented as his older brother.
Mason, the 6 year old, drew a mouse from one of his reading books, top pictures.
Chase, the 10 year old, decided he should show him how to really do it, lower picture.

Never a dull moment in this house.


  1. Hi Alaina ...You are not the only one ...I have done this many times ..with brand new chairs ..ceiling fans ..tables..patio furniture ..and clocks ..curtain rods ..etc ...I think it's perfectly ok ..many times we love the style of some special piece ..but just not the color.But ..I think it is definately a woman thing ..and not a guy thing :)
    Love your home and your Beautiful !

  2. Yes, if they were inexpensive I wouldn't wait to paint them. The only alternative would be to wait to find expensive white chairs! They are looking wonderful! Can't wait to see the slipcovers!


  3. Such talent love those sweet drawings! Oh no you are not crazy I painted brand new kitchen cabinets white :-) .Your chairs are beautiful!

  4. there are lot's of us crazies out there! and what a talented bunch of kiddos you have!!

  5. I cannot believe you got those in the mail. From where? How do you mail order chairs? Alaina, I could expect nothing less of you painting white chairs.

  6. Your dining room has great light in it. I applaud you for working the details of color out so you can enjoy it all the way!

  7. I have done the same thing so I don't think you're crazy. Or maybe we're both crazy. lol! Your chairs are gorgeous!!


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