
Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Productive Busy Week

We have been on Spring break.  
School and work both start again on Monday.
Although it has only been a week, it feels like a month.

Do you know how to make time seem like it is never going to end.  
Spend it with children.
They enjoy each and every second.

Our busy week was packed with;
 A little Princess turning 9.

The guy.  So now her brothers can play too!

Someone was super surprised with her birthday presents.



Work on staining and polyurethaning floors.
Shopping trips.
Bike rides.
Jack vs. the Giants movie.
Movie night.
Splash Lagoon.........

Shopping trip in Pittsburgh...IKEA!!!!
Lunches and dinners out every day for the last three days.

So, what am I doing today, my last day of vacation.

Starting the finishing touches on a little girls room.

The floors turned out great.
Although, I do think I like the dark stain better.
We decided to leave these floors plain. 
It makes it easier if in the future we want to add color to a teenager's room.

We only have to put the trim back on.
Paint the walls the same soft lavender.
Paint all floor, ceiling and window trim.
Hang the new chandelier.
Find a rug.
Put furniture back in.

But first, I am painting the rug in the hallway so we can finish the upstairs hallway.

With these colors.

And finishing up the dinning room chairs.

I was able to get them all painted in between activities.
Now I only have two to stain and wax.....then slipcovers.

After I have my special breakfast.
This guy knows how to make his family feel special.
We each had our own pancake.

These should give me enough energy to do some tracing and painting.

How about you?
Did you take a Spring Break with your kids?
Did you go anywhere special or finish any projects?


  1. Wow! You have been busy! Your daughter is so cute, Happy Birthday to her!

    I love the new floors, It's fun when you start to put a room together. And you are painting a rug? I can't wait to see it!

    Happy Spring!


  2. Busy girl! Can't wait to see your painted rug!!~~Angela


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