
Friday, June 7, 2013

My Sister's Chair

Three years ago I agreed to reupholster a chair for my sister as a birthday gift.

Yes it has really been that long.

The first year it sat in the basement.
I tried taking some of the fabric off the back and the project seemed a bit above my ability.

So it sat.

About a year later I painted it.
Bad paint made the chair arms and legs sticky.

So it sat.

For another year.

So it sat.

Memorial weekend my sister and I went to a flea market.
Said flea market where the chair was bought.
Three years ago.

As I bought a new/old chair for my daughter's room.
I could feel her eyes boring a hole into the back of my head.
"Yes, I know I still have to do your chair."  I told her.  
She rolled her eyes.

I called her after the flea market and said I would have it done within two weeks.
I don't think she believed me.
She had hear that story for three years.

Last weekend I repainted it.
No stickiness.

I called her yesterday to tell her I was almost done with it.
She would have it by the weekend.

I called her back a half hour later.

The chair is done!

However, Mr. M. said it looked so nice, maybe it should stay.


So tell me.
What is the longest a project has sat undone?

Now about that chair for my daughter!


  1. I have a rocking chair in my garage that I started to redo at least 8 years ago. It's just sitting there with its springs and webbing hanging out taunting me every time I pull in the garage. Your chair is inspiring me to finally just finish the darn thing!

  2. The chair is beautiful!!!

    Don't they say, the best things are worth waiting for? ;)

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!

  3. Turned out beautiful! I see more in your future.

  4. It looks stunning! Thankfully, sisters understand (most of the time!). I'm not much of a crafter or furniture painter but I have been working on cleaning my basement and laundry room for the past three days. To show you how long I've put it off, I'm finding clothes my daughter wore in Junior High and she's in college now!!


  5. WOW does that look sharp! Nice job and in my opinion, well worth the wait. I started to reupholster a couch and that took years as well so I'm glad to see I'm in good company! LOL


  6. Glad to hear I am not the only one. I bought 6 new (to me) dining chairs. I have only had them for a week - only three years to go!


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